
Table of contents
  1. Educational
  2. Publications
  3. Projects
  4. Interests
  5. Skills

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  • M.S. degree from UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
    (2021.03 ~ 2023.02)
    • Electronical and Computer Science Engineering
    • Signal Processing Lab, Prof. Seungjoon Yang
    • GPA: 3.76 / 4.3
  • B.S. degree from KyungHee Univ (2016.03 ~ 2021.02)
    • Electronic Engineering
    • GPA: 3.72 / 4.5 (Credits: 148)



  • Development of Self-Elevating Crane System for Installation and Maintenance of Onshore Wind Turbine System (2023.09 ~ 2023.11)
  • Development of AI-based CAD conversion technology for traditional architecture drawing images (2021.05 ~ 2023.02)
  • AI Novatus Academia TA, Gaze tracking SW (2022.11 ~ 2023.01)
  • AI-based manufacturing site safety management guidebook (2021.10 ~ 2022.02)
  • Safety Zone Estimation and Violation Detection (2021.08 ~ 2021.12)
  • Missile Intercept Simulation (2020.09 ~ 2020.12)
  • Hanium exhibit, Smart Escort Robot (2020.06 ~ 2020.11)
  • Khuthon at KHU, Dev Study communicate App (2019)


  • Computer Vision
    • Generative Model and Application (VAE, Diffusion, Nerf(Recently Studying), etc…)
    • Object Detection
    • Image Processing
  • Modality (Recently Studying)


  • Python
    • Pytorch
    • Lightning
    • FastAPI
  • Git
  • Docker
  • Unity